Pforzheims Brücken und Stege
Andre titler: Sachdokumentation
Pforzheim's bridges and footbridges
Genre: Documentary film
År: 1951-1972
Varighed: 00:07:52
Beskrivelse: 1. 1951: Inauguration of the newly constructed Nordstadtbrücke in the presence of Minister President Reinhold Maier / 2. 1970: Inauguration of the Kanzlersteg over the river Enz / 3. 1971: Renovation of the Nordstadtbrücke / 4. 1972: Emergency footbridge over the Enz at the Fischersteg. / The film footage was shot in 1951, 1970, 1971 and 1972.
Nøgleord: Victor-E project / Bauprojekt / Brücke / Politiker / Ministerpräsident / Regierungschef / Bauvorhaben / construction project / bridge / politician / prime minister / head of government / inauguration / spectators / construction worker / Pforzheim / Deutschland / Germany / Reinhold Maier
Udbyder: Landesfilmsammlung BW
Rettigheder: In Copyright / Landesfilmsammlung BW
Farve: Black & White
Director: Kipper, Richard
Wendel, N. -
Sound: Without sound